Harbour Town Lighthouse & Museum Blog
Enjoying the Best of Times

It might be said that the most recent 15 years of life in Sea Pines [...]

When Sunset Comes Sooner

Our Harbour Town Lighthouse creates a shadow that tracks the progress of the year in [...]

The Closer You Get

The closer you get, the more you belong. It’s part of the magic of the [...]

The Inspired Legacy of the Lighthouse

The lighthouse is not just a landmark – although it is all of that – [...]

Welcoming More Than Ever

As we settle into the pleasures of fall here on America’s favorite island, we look [...]

What Makes an Experience Unforgettable

Here at the Harbour Town Lighthouse, we have the privilege of greeting people from everywhere [...]

Where the World Catches Sight of Sea Pines Golf

Our lighthouse serves as a visual anchor of that signature shot, when the Heritage often [...]

How We Meet the Midwest Halfway

On Hilton Head Island, every state in the Union is represented at some point during [...]

In Reach of Short Vacations

One of the striking things we see when hosting visitors here at the Harbour Town [...]

Then We Saw It Differently

Like the love Talyn and Nathan discovered and chose to honor here, the Harbour Town [...]