Book Signing with Billy Douglas
Author of Hope Is All I Have
Sunday, September 1
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Harbour Town Lighthouse
About Hope Is All I Have
The three most shocking words you will ever encounter in your lifetime are: You Have Cancer! Once you hear those words, your life will be forever changed. For William Douglas, instead of being at the end of his lifetime in dealing with cancer, it was actually the beginning of a new path unlike any he had ever traveled. How did he prevail through a Stage Four cancer diagnosis and come out for the better?
His memoir, Hope Is All I Have, champions the inspiration to live, no matter the circumstances. It is a story of faith, hope, love, friendship, medicine and how to navigate through many unknown challenges while entrenched in the battle of your life. If you, a family member, friend, loved one, or just an acquaintance has ever been faced with cancer, this memoir will give you an insightful story of their enduring battle. An inviting read about a most difficult subject, Hope Is All I Have is an inspirational story of true perseverance and survival.
“Defying all odds after a shocking death experience in surgery, Billy Douglas did more than survive: he lived and he continues to live and to share his inspirational story with other cancer patients, their loved ones, and healthcare professionals. This is a compelling book of faith – in both the spiritual and humanistic senses of that word – in which, as Billy says, PAP: Positive Attitude Prevails. Hope Is All I Have is as engaging as it is empowering.”
– Jonathan Haupt, executive director, Pat Conroy Literary Center
About the Author
William “Billy” Douglas had a successful 50-year career in sales and marketing in the marine industry. As a product of the South, he enjoys writing and any kind of water activity.
He lives on Hilton Head Island with his wife, Linda, and their standard poodle, Gianni. Douglas is the founder of the Terminate Cancer Foundation.