Category Archives: Musings

Places in the Heart

As striking as the appearance of the Harbour Town Lighthouse might be, more remarkable still [...]

Island Icon Adds a Crowning Achievement

The fabled story of the Harbour Town Lighthouse added a chapter once again on March [...]

A Walk Through Time

A visit through the lighthouse has become an interesting and informative climb through the history [...]

Bringing an Icon to Life

A couple of weeks ago we were reminded that our everyday workplace, the Harbour Town [...]

Right Out of a Storybook

Every day we are witness to a beauty that inspires the directions people take in [...]

Why Folks Stay Awhile

We have the pleasure of welcoming so many visitors to America’s favorite vacation island, here [...]

Memories Made Here

Like any landmark, the Harbour Town Lighthouse in Harbour Town gives off a sense of [...]

A Place to Gather

The Harbour Town Lighthouse serves as a landmark, a signal that you have indeed arrived. [...]

Lighthouse Featured in National Podcast

The Harbour Town Lighthouse was recently featured in the “Light Hearted,” the podcast of the [...]

The Rhythm We See in Gratitude

The festive season that begins with Thanksgiving brings with it a lot of reflections. The [...]